——溫哥華影展 Shelly Kraicer
The most creative feature film from Taiwan this year is Chen Hung-I's Honey Pupu. This vibrant visual fantasia on Taipei City, love, transience, social media, history and youth culture has a lot on its mind. Although it sharply divided Taiwanese audiences, it won best feature film at this year's Taipei Film Awards, and richly repays careful viewing.
The plot is dense with detail, jumping freely between fantasy, memory, virtual and real space. Dog, the boyfriend of mellow-voiced radio DJ Vicky, has disappeared. She searches for him online, and discovers a community of young aficionados of disappearing phenomena at a website Dog frequented called Missing.com (the film's Chinese title). Among them are Assassin, prone to fainting fits, his would-be girlfriend the aggressively stylish Money (aka Cheesebaby), and dreamy artist type Cola, who wants to replace Assassin in Money's affections. An old fashioned floppy disk is their clue, leading to poetry, soothsayers, an S-M fetishist, and a host of surreal (and hyper-stylized) Taipei urban scenescapes.
A sensational musical score and richly imaginative sound design features Beethoven, Mozart, Grieg, Saint-Saens and Bach.The film deploys a delirious array of gorgeous cinematographic gambits, post-production visual effects, and editing brio to capture the shimmering present, fading past and hyper-realistic future that inflects contemporary Taiwan culture, always under the threat of disappearance. Chen's film is one of the most imaginative--and indispensable--movies that Taiwan's newly renascent young film culture has yet produced.
── 一段發生在台北,充滿活躍視覺影像的幻想曲,故事中講述愛情、無常、社會媒體、 歷史記錄和年輕一代的文化。
即使這部電影區隔了觀眾族群,仍以豐富的影像贏得了今年台北電影節的最佳導演, 攝影, 音樂。
一個知性的電台主播 Vicky,為了找尋消失的男友Dog而循線在網路上找到了一個他常瀏覽的論壇“Missing.com”(即電影中文片名),網站裡聚集了一群對消失事物充滿狂熱的年輕人。
莫札特、 葛里格、 聖桑和巴哈。
-- Shelly Kraicer